úterý, září 30, 2008

…Looking forward the secret place…

Sunday was a bright day yesterday.Time to have is come …into your way.
In my fantasy he goes and is going to reach it .Is there any place which is left for us ?
Surely,in my fantasy…
Slowly moving of our hands hugging a spirit of Earth and now is our time.Never!...he never repetes this moment .Enjoy it!Do not think about it much.Leave you doubts stand behind you. Break the wall that is building the distance between us.
My Lord ,I want to be yours.Walk holding hand in hand with you cross paradise right to the Sun.To become the traveller on way to the top of understanding.Join in to destiny, fly through the space.All is nearby.
I opened my eyes and I can see your figure exactly ,your smile,which tell me knowlege I am not alone.I´ve been saved.So leave me to the harbour to help plenty ships of loved beings of mine on way to my heart.I ´m going to lock them there aferward until my last days.
And after all, we will be together.

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